Monday, August 31, 2009

AMERICA: Freedom To Fascism. Aaron Russo Interview.

In this article and video Aaron Russo talks about the income tax as we know it to be the IRS...and the illegality of our wages being taxed.

America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version

In 1913 the bankers were given the right under The Federal Reserve to ruin this country.

They, the Federal Reserve coin our money and they place the value on our money.

This is a video by Russo and it tells how we got here.

'Take that thing off your head' - on SodaHead

In this country, Americans are free, why would anyone want to come under Sharia law is beyond me.

The Third Jihad is supposedly a group of Islamist that have no respect for American, or for our way of life. They profess their ideology to everyone and claim no comfort in their new found home, America. They don't mind to accept our handouts, our free style of expression, they drive on our roads with modern day conveniences and yet they want to take us backwards to the 1700's with no rights. I don't unde