Breaking News: ISIS Attacks The U.S. Military. One Casualty Confirmed - World News Politics: ISIS has escalated their war efforts. Until now, they have avoided attacking the US Military, surely out of fear of horrible retribution. Now that’s changed via Fox News An American soldier was killed within the past 24 hours when a rocket fired by ISIS landed near his position in the town of Makhmur, 75 miles …
It is time to arm ourselves and be alert....ISIS has threatened Washington, D.C....
I guess ''O" is in hiding.....somebody give him a
Sunday, March 20, 2016
BREAKING: Far-Left Fascists Go TOO FAR In Arz., Look What They Did To 1,000’s Of Trump Supporters
BREAKING: Far-Left Fascists Go TOO FAR In Arz., Look What They Did To 1,000’s Of Trump Supporters
It is time to TAKE BACK AMERICA.....#GOTRUMP2016
It is time to TAKE BACK AMERICA.....#GOTRUMP2016
WATCH: Jeep PLOWS Through Unhinged Protesters On Highway, Sheriffs Have STUNNING Reaction
WATCH: Jeep PLOWS Through Unhinged Protesters On Highway, Sheriffs Have STUNNING Reaction
The protestors were standing on public property and detaining citizens/families/children....these people should be charged with kidnapping, inciting to riot, trespassing, illegal use of public property and many other charges to prevent them from acting like hoodlums....
Protesting is a right, FREE speech is a right, but to violate the RIGHTS of others is unlawful and subject to prosecution......
The police force in Fountain Hills Rally were very sloeful in doing their job....I saw one officer just shrug his shoulders like it didn't matter to him, what could he do.......the law is there to protect and serve the people and the force was not serving anyone....except the protestors, by allowing them to continue to detain law abiding citizens from going anywhere....Shame on the men in blue in Fountain Hills, AZ.
The protestors were standing on public property and detaining citizens/families/children....these people should be charged with kidnapping, inciting to riot, trespassing, illegal use of public property and many other charges to prevent them from acting like hoodlums....
Protesting is a right, FREE speech is a right, but to violate the RIGHTS of others is unlawful and subject to prosecution......
The police force in Fountain Hills Rally were very sloeful in doing their job....I saw one officer just shrug his shoulders like it didn't matter to him, what could he do.......the law is there to protect and serve the people and the force was not serving anyone....except the protestors, by allowing them to continue to detain law abiding citizens from going anywhere....Shame on the men in blue in Fountain Hills, AZ.
Chicago Police told Not to Arrest Protestors!
Rohm Emanuel, 55th Mayor of Chicago, told the police NOT to arrest the violent anti-TRUMP protestors......he was advised that could be dangerous.
Chicago Police Interim Supt. John Escalante told CBS News the local police “had no role” in consulting with Trump to cancel the campaign rally.
Coulter says that’s also untrue.
This past Tuesday, March 15th, 2016....There were 4 killed and 8 wounded in Chicago shootings all within about a 48 hr window....did Emanuel tell the cops to stand down then......did he stop them from doing their sworn duties as officers of the law....
Lately the BLM(BlueLivesMatter) movement has been rendered helpless victims from two sides, the standing down orders given by Emanuel and the BLM(BlackLivesMatter) movement.
The growing hatred in the communities for the #BlueLivesMatter movement has been brought on by the race-baiters, that provoked the Ferguson, Baltimore and New York riots. When will we learn that these race-baiters are being paid to get you RILED and make you act out.....this causes and brings more harm to the community and divides the people and nobody wins but the one who paid you are a hired gun in essence to do "their" bidding....STOP, in the name of all that is holy, STOP the racism and lets unite to fight a much bigger evil coming our way...
The same people that have disenfranchised you, gave you no representation, are the same ones paying you to riot....and your still working for "the man" does that make any sense to sure doesn't to me.
Are Christians Being Compromised or are they Compromising?

I quickly read the first paragraph, skimming of course, as I had to get to the protest in Fountain Hills, AZ and report on the TRUMP rally, but first I wanted to hear what this man had to say about Mr. TRUMP.....
As I read on....I found out that the article was NOT about TRUMP as it was about WE THE PEOPLE, you know, the ones doing the voting......and how we are influenced to vote one way or the other.
I found the article very interesting and enlightening to say the least....I also learned some important information like...who Theodore Beza was....great theologist of the 16th century, a must read.....
I found out from this article why I was voting the way I was voting and how I got to this place.
I also found myself siding with Thomas Ertl, it's always nice to find someone that thinks like you do, company and all, you know.....what I found most interesting was he kept my attention and I learned something about myself and I found a new read!
Of course candidate Trump probably already knows all this information, however, I thought I would pass it on to my readers. It is rather lengthy, but it is informative and that is important.
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