Thursday, June 9, 2011

Earning Money Blogging

/I have been blogging for sometime, I am not as successful as I would like to be, but I am still learning. I recently ran across an article by Dragonblogger and was very impressed.  Earning money blogging has been so blown out of proportion and Dragonblogger has put it back into proportion for us.

If you are looking to get rich overnight, maybe you should read his post. I did and what I found was the truth. Getting rich overnight is a might get rich, but it won't be tomorrow.  You must work at it, with a steady mindset towards the market and what is needed in the marketplace.

Some people say that blogging is an art, I disagree, blogging to me is "steady at the helm" . You must be patient, you must know your audience and your niche and you must interact.  All of these qualities will make you a good blogger that people will listen to.  There are several good bloggers around, some are great, some are okay and some are downright good, the downright good are the ones I study every move they make, Dragonblogger is one of the downright great.  The reason why is his in our society today if you can find one honest person in the marketplace...go to bed with him....literally, take him home with you!

Content is king, we have heard this, but very few people pay attention to what is being said and they decide to write a formal blog, by this I mean, it is so stiff you choke on the message and cannot gain from what is being said.  Some bloggers never check their work and it is sloppy, not well written, but I think they have something to say, however they have not taken the time to correct their errors in the script.  I dump them, I do not follow them and they lose and sometimes, so do I.

I don't think blogging needs to be stuffy, but one thing I do think is that it must be honest and that is how I ran upon my new friend Dragonblogger.  His honesty sold me immediately, I am now a fan, I will listen to him and I will check out everything he has to offer.  Blogengage is a new blogging community that I discovered through Dragonblogger, very interesting site with an interesting concept. I will be blogging and entering their contest.

I connected with the "Dragon" on Twitter and was delighted when I saw his tweet today, now I was going to find out how to really earn money blogging.  What I found was right on the money, so save your dollars and get over to Twitter, Facebook and connect with the Dragon and learn how to make money online instead of beating yourself up everyday over blogging.  When you start paying it forward, giving back to the community and are consistent and have established your presence in the marketplace, you can blog like the Dragon.

Until tomorrow this is the Finder...