The Revolt of the Left Against Capitalism, instead they want Crybabies and Cronyism
HURRY: Send your PINK SLIP today to the GOP Establishment. Tell them you are DONE with them ignoring the will of the voters, done with them supporting liberals and bashing Trump. Tell them to get on the Trump train or be prepared to be derailed on the next election. Send your PINK SLIP now!

"The Clintons, who both have received millions of dollars in campaign contributions and Clinton Foundation donations from Soros, were, in fact, helping to launch Soros’s «Purple Revolution» in America. The Purple Revolution will resist all efforts by the Trump administration to push back against the globalist policies of the Clintons and soon-to-be ex-President Barack Obama. The Purple Revolution will also seek to make the Trump administration a short one through Soros-style street protests and political disruption."
The very foundation of what America was established upon, is being attacked by the progressive movement of the left liberal wing of the Democratic party.
We are under attack, under siege, and the leaders are MIA....they have joined the WPP(Witness Protection Program). They should be stepping up and taking charge, instead they are allowing these paid anarchist whores to do their dirty work.
If the leadership is doing nothing, then somebody needs to take charge and lead the parade and exact the necessary law and order to be restored to these cities that are suffering, through the mischief of some trouble makers.
The actors on the scene, are handed signs, bused into the arena, told what to say and follow each other, notice their robotic language, body language, and their, tell me somebody is not behind this for a political gain. The only one left to gain is Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama, the sitting, lameduck, about to be X President.
Why would HRC want to back such a group, logical reasoning does not apply here, she covets the power, control and money of the highest office in the land.......if it was so important to her, why did she have to try and steal the election, why the lies, why not tell the people what they wanted to hear..........(she did), in her last few speeches, her entire party-line rhetoric changed, she wanted to garner more votes, so she started telling the people how much and what she would do for them.....too little, too late.....but it was resoundingly false promises, she cares nothing of the people, about the people, or for the people, she is out for Hillary Rodham Clinton and no one else matters. This has been going on for 40 years, nothing new...she flips her sails, with every wind that blows.....and if the day of the week ends in a "Y", she is lying.....
Back in early 2000s'....the Clinton's found Barack Hussein Obama, a made for "mark" to help get them into the Whitehouse.....he had already been groomed for such a day, he knew, they did not....
They in fact tried to control him and take away his handlers, when that didn't work, they went another way, a much more sinister and dangerous way, that would possibly pay them dividends, and put them back in the WH, where they thought they belonged.
However, by this time the Democrats had a plan to push HRC back and put forth their "new guy", Barack Hussein Obama, born for this moment, such a great orator, such a fine classy little man, that could speak just to his people and keep those "blacks" in line.......and they fell for it, hook, line, and sinker. The blacks ate up his message, of "yes we can", they were off and running, thus began the saga of getting the WH for BHO instead of HRC....
Now the war began, HRC felt she had been shafted, and she had, however, that did not stop her and Bill from setting up a new front to concur.....needless to say the rest is history.......
BHO, won the Whitehouse in 2008 and Hillary was exiled, for a her attempts to get back into the WH, she took BHO at his word that he would help her, and Bill sealed the deal on the golf course with Obama.......that if HRC would help get Obama re-elected in 2012, he would place her and give her his base to get her the 2016 election.......
Now, you know why they are fighting so hard......HRC got the shaft, this time, instead of giving the shaft, and she is not use to that feeling. It does not set well with her so she is fighting back and blaming Obama and Comey, of the meantime, Soros sees another way to make money off of both of them and he is causing the riots, hiring the thugs and perpetrating war in the streets of America, to get "his girl", Hillary Rodham Clinton the Whitehouse, like they promised, but it all blew up in their faces, because they didn't think that the American people, especially the Black Community would ever turn on them....why look at all the handouts they had given the Black Community.......however, it happened.....
WE THE PEOPLE, are taking back this country, and there is nothing they can do about it, they can try, they can fuss, but the ultimate journey has been won by the people of this country and we are not asleep anymore.....
The SILENT MAJORITY has spoken....
Donald J. Trump, is the President Elect, has won both the electoral votes, and the popular votes and he WILL BE the 45th President of the United States of America......
Somebody needs to tell Soros, we aren't backing down and send him a message....YOU'RE FIRED!