I guess the Obama Healthcare mongers are going to be out hitting the bricks hard, because President Obama says that he will have the Bill HR3200 signed by October 15th.
I'm convinced we are in the final stages of the health care debate.
President Obama has grown impatient, and unless Republicans are
willing to embrace what he calls "compromise", he has hinted he
would use a controversial budget maneuver to pass health care
by October 15.
Last week, Obama scolded Congress telling them to stop playing
politics. Yet that's precisely what he's doing threatening to
employ the reconciliation process!
This isn't about you and I and true health care
reform. This is about a President, a bully who is chomping at
the bit to reshape a nation by dramatically increasing the size
and scope of our government... and the kicker? See the full article at
Grassfires click here ->
He expects you and I to pay for it all--as much as 13 percent
of our income!
This is an email being sent out by team Obama: I received it on 9-16-2009
Last week the President laid out his health reform plan and challenged Congress to act. OFA volunteers leapt into action, generating hundreds of thousands of signatures and calls to show grassroots support. Now we need to reach out in our communities, spread the facts about the President's plan, and bring new voices of support into Washington.
If you can spare your lunch hour (or a couple of hours whenever you're free), you can make it happen. Here's how: Organize a "Health Reform Phone Booth" in your area.
It's simple: Just grab some friends and set up in a public spot where lots of folks will pass by. You'll distribute fact sheets about President's plan and ask people to call their members of Congress on the spot and voice their support.
We'll give you all the materials, phone numbers, and step-by-step instructions you need to make it a success -- and when you register your Phone Booth online, other OFA volunteers can join you to lend a hand.
Click here to run a Health Reform Phone Booth near you:
Passing health reform won't be easy -- they've been talking about it in Washington for almost a century. But we know that when ordinary people who believe in change reach out, spread the facts, and help folks from all walks of life make their voices heard, we can make history.
Thanks for making it happen,
Jeremy Bird
Deputy Director
Organizing for America
P.S. -- In August we asked a few OFA volunteers to test out running a Health Reform Phone Booth in their area, and we got great reports -- even from folks who were pretty nervous before they began. Here are just a couple:
I will confess that I questioned my decision to host an event the instant I hit the send button. I imagined myself on a street corner, handing out fliers like the guys hand out restaurant flyers. Relief struck when the first volunteer signed up with me. Imagine how thrilled I was when 15 had signed up!... We distributed 300 phone booth sheets and 600 info sheets... The best part, one of our volunteers was 79 1/2 years old. She was remarkable. Thank you for this opportunity. I am very glad I did it, no matter how nervous I was.
-- Mark P. from New York, New York
We had two veterans tell us that they were very happy with the VA system, and one vowed to write a letter to the editor to dispel the myths that that system doesn't work. Many people thanked us for having a booth and for trying to dispel the lies being spread by opponents of reform.
-- Mike O. from Bozeman, Montana
Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.