Friday, October 16, 2009

Bankrupt tax protester gets own bailout

This is refreshing, these are people who care, people who do not want the government bailing them out. They just want to work and be left alone. They don't want their tax dollars being spent to bail out companies or entities that fiscally were not able to manage their own businesses.

These tea parties are happening all over the country with about 800 now happening, people are fed up with being told that they are going to have to pay more, so that the Big Boys can get their's. It is not fair to the average American who works and earns his living and tries to feed his family to have to support some failed CEO somewhere. Enough is Enough...let's go with the Tea Parties.

more about "Bankrupt tax protester gets own bailout", posted with vodpod

Warning to America

As Christians and Jews we do not believe in Sharia Law...why would we want to go backwards to the 17th century? Women have no rights under Sharia rule...this is not acceptable in this society. We must beware that Muslims are assimilating into our society with their ideology of hate and terror...all Islamic schools and Mosque must be closed. We as Americans do not believe in Sharia Law and we do not want it in our country.

Geert Wilder is speaking in the video of Sharia Law and what their ideology is. He is a very brave man who faces the fear of death everyday...would we had someone like him to stand up for our country...our soldiers bled and died for our freedoms and those of the United Kingdom, as Christians and Jews we must carry the load now, we must be ready to stand against all odds when the time comes. My grandfather, father and uncles bled on the battlefield against this ideology which is very similar to socilism and communism...we must stand against this Sharia Law.

Look at this video and decide today, what you will do!

more about "Warning to America", posted with vodpod