Thursday, March 24, 2011

Have You Been Branded Yet?

People who are interested in making money on the web need to realize one thing, people will only buy from those they trust, i.e., a friend or an acquaintance.

So you must brand yourself (not the old Texan way) and sell yourself first…the oldest trick in the book.  Even prostitutes know this, you must sell yourself first.  So get busy and sell yourself or rather brand yourself. We should make friends and help each other, that is why I like pay it forward, this is helping others. If you do not help others, don’t worry, you will not have any business, at least none that you will have to worry about or make money with.

Making friends in the social stratosphere is your next step…get busy making acquaintances that you will turn into friends.  Join Facebook, Twitter, Digg, LinkedIn and USfreeads and make yourself known in your market. Become the expert that you know yourself to be and knock them dead. 

Everyone has a need, your need may not be their need, or their need may not be your need, however if you look at your market close enough you will find a need and you can fill that need. Filling the needs of others should be primary in your focus here, not your need. If you focus upon their need, your need will be met. I cannot stress this enough.

There are many outfits out there ready to tell you how many millions they have made online, however, BEWARE as you will go broke following everybody that tells you they have made a million online. There are some people online that are willing and ready to help you. I am going to list a few of the people that have helped me through the years, please at least look at what they are offering and see if they can help you. I am not being paid to do this, I care about people and think what we learn, we need to pass on to others. 

                                  I am now involved in "branding" myself.

It has taken me so long. Don’t spend your hard earned money on phony scams and millionaire promises, instead, copy those that have made it.  Here is a list of people that have helped me…I am not self taught, these people helped me…they gave me the goods and I ran with it.  And now I can make the claim that I am helping others, just as these sites helped me. 

Just to name a few.

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