Monday, March 14, 2016

The Saudis' Want Hillary...or a Refund

The ONLY reason, anyone would endorse you Hillary is because THEY bought you, The Saudis' want you Hillary for a refund! are nothing more to them than a prostitute, they buy you and you are cheap honey....

The favors you have done in the past are very TELLING, they tell of a woman possessed who is out for the highest office in the land and will DO ANYTHING legal or otherwise to get there. It is very telling of what kind of person you are(IMHO a sociopathic liar, and a demonic spirit dwells within you)......and we thought Obama was joke is on us.

Having you, Hillary as President of the USA would not only destroy the USA as we know it, but you would reek havoc on every country in the world........EVERYONE knows what you are, EVERYONE is laughing and talking behind your back, if you think for one moment that the good "salt of the earth" people of this country are going to ALLOW you back into the Whitehouse so you can reek havoc, intimidate, kill, maim, lie, steal, cheat, commit treason against our country, outing undercover CIA operatives, selling offices and positions in the government, murdering those that don't agree with you, and run your criminal enterprise again...YOU ARE SADLY MISTAKEN.......

WE THE PEOPLE do not care what it takes, but we say#NEVERAGAIN.....and you would be wise to listen.....because all hell is about to be unleashed on you and you are too self-centered to realize that when you play there is always a PAYDAY.

When you demoralize, humiliate, intimidate, lie, cheat, steal, rob, murder and NEVER one time consider anyone or anything but yourself, it's time to pay the piper.....

You see you have awakened a giant. You, by your criminal activities, thought that we were stupid.........WELL, sista, I have news for you.....WE THE PEOPLE do not believe in retreads, once was enough. We succumb to you and your husbands lies and fake persona ONE TIME....and one time only! but #NEVERAGAIN will we be so naive......

BTW, me thinks you have jumped off in a snake see you skinned and grinned in the faces of the American people, you used us, abused us, lied to us, killed some of us off, committed treason against us, and kept on truckin....then you took your criminal enterprise outside the USA to other countries without realizing that they already had your number and NOW, your lies, your promises, your cheating days are over, you cannot rob us anymore and blackmail us anymore, you can NOT run amok in this country because the little people, the diverse ethnicitys that you think are beneath you, are coming home to roost sista.........What you did to Jennifer Flowers, Ms Wiley, Paula Jones, Monica Lewinski, Filegate, Travelgate and Billy Dale, The State of Arkansas, the poor African American Democratic/Voters, your security team, Vincent Foster et al, and anyone that came near you with your toxic savage tongue, vindictiveness(thank you Ann Coulter), ideological psychosis, intolerance, and elitists arrogant selfishness is going to cost you......and cost you dearly......Your web of deception days are OVER.....(thank you Dick Morris)!

You see, you made promises to people in foreign lands that don't like to be lied to, you sold out OUR country, you used our money to run guns to the enemy and further your own selfish interest on US taxpayer dollars, just to further your schemes......NOW, you have taken their money and promised them all kinds of things that you will NOT be able to deliver, and WHY won't you be able to deliver, because YOU ARE NOT going to get within 10 feet of the Whitehouse....... that will be your "PAYING THE PIPER, and OUR gift to you.

You put people(foreign countries) into high places, and now your gonna BURN them, to cover your own a$$, you took money under false pretenses to build the “Clinton Library”(what a joke), just like you have done to the American people you keep saying "What difference does it make"....You are soon to find out.

That fateful 13 hours in Benghazi is coming home to roost, WE THE PEOPLE have awakened and WE know what you did, .....WE SHALL NEVER, EVER FORGET BENGHAZI.!!!....

You care about no one but Hillary, and you care so little about those around you that you have abused your own family members until your a disgrace to your husband, child and are toxic..........”philandering” is one thing, but to threaten the very lives of the women involved with your husband, and sitting President, is more than anyone can stomach, the intimidation, the IRS audits, the harrassment brought to bear on these people was unreal and psychotic at best, and you want to be the President of the USA, you really should see a doctor, better still, you could probably get a check for your ailment! ........

Don't tell the LIE, that you care about women, your a disgrace to womanhood......

So, what my Mama told me is true,.......Kharma is a B _ _ _ h, and your gonna find out first hand........Save your money Hillary, go home. We won't tell the Saudis' where you

I don't pity you......I pray God have mercy on your sin sick soul! selah


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